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Raid Salalah Al Asala 26/08/2022 to 01/09/2022

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Welcome To The Home Of Oman Riders

Oman Riders Club is the first official motorcycles club in Oman. Founded in 2009, and joined Riders Network in 2010. The club house is in Oman Automobile Association opposite Muscat International Airport, and has other branches in Nizwa, Sohar, Rustaq. In 2019, a second club house opened in Nizwa. The club has more than (250) members from different regions of the Sultanate. The club organizes rides and attends different activities in Oman and Arabian Gulf countries, as well as organizes international tour trips every two years. So far, the club has undertaken four international tour trips; (In 2013, Europe Tour Trip from Oman to Germany. The Asia Tour Trip was to China. In 2017, Africa Tour Trip from Oman to South Africa. In 2019 North America Tour Trip in the west side of the United States of America).

Total Kms By The Club (International)
Total Riding Experience

- What We Do -

Our Missions

Ride Outs

Oman Riders Club regularly organises ride-outs suitable for all types of bikes and speeds. Our ride-outs range from short, local routes, to continental travel.


Establish a brotherhood of other like minded bikers who take an oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


Provide an opportunity to give back to communities as well as provide assistance to veterans related injuries via charities, benefits, and donations.

Become a Part of Our Family

Explore Our Rides

- Our Team -

Meet our Crew Members

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Khalid Al-Azri Chairman

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Majid Al-Amri Vice Chairman

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Saad Al-Shaikh Secretary

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Saud Al-Habs Administration & Training Officer- Treasurer

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Saud Al- Mahruqi Managemant Member - Safety & Technical Advisor

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Dr. Mustafa Al- Hashemi Managemant Member - Legal Counsel

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Ahamed Al-Hoqani Club Representative - Al- Dakliya

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Hilal Al-Shedi Club Representative - North Al-Batinah

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Abas Al- Shaqsi Club Representative - South Al-Batinah

-Riding Report -

Our Rides

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European Countries Countries visited: Iran, Turkey, Greece, Italy,
France, Belgium, The Netherlands & Germany.
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South Africa Countries visited: Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Uganda, Ruwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana
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China Countries visited: Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & China
-Testimonials -

What Our Members Say

One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Oman is on two wheels. The best way to experience two wheels is with Oman Riders.

The committee and all of the members made me feel like part of the family from the first day. Their rides, trips and tours are safe and amazingly well organised. The club house is a wonderful meeting place to swap stories and technical tips, or just talk bikes and relax. They even have a comprehensive insurance scheme with one of the largest insurers in Oman.

I am honoured to be an Oman Rider.

Image Dr. Andrew

I am fortunate to be part of this Riders Family...

An amazing bunch of people from different and diversified industry (whom i would love to call a TEAM) joined hands with a common passion - BIKE RIDING.

Personally for me, meeting and being a part of this Team has been the best thing that has happened in my life. Together, we have spent a lot of time traveling and riding together across different wilayats of Oman... Each member have a unique quality to learn from (be it discipline, time management, respect for each other etc...). However, one common characteristic that I have observed everyone follows is 'Care & Togetherness' which keeps everyone bonded.

No matter what happens; this TEAM will remain with you during your ups and downs and that's why I call Oman Riders, my *Family*.

Image Ameer Ahammed

Biking is not just a passion; it is a lifestyle. No other joy on the planet can compare the joy of hitting the long winding highways on the bike. And when it's with a club called Oman Riders, it a multi-cultural mix of brothers on wheels and pipes Such happiness can't be put in words,

Since I became a member of Oman Riders, I have seen a different Oman and got to ride places to be greeted and treated as special ones, the discipline the team spirt and the leadership is just amazing.

Image Manoj Sharma

في مثل هذا اليوم انضممت لنادي عمان رايدرز سنة 2012. عشر سنوات مرت و لم تنتهي الاثارة و الحماس، سعدت بكوني احد أعضاء أكبر نادي للدراجين في سلطنة عمان . الجميع في النادي أناس مميزين، مبهرين ، لهم كل الحب و الاحترام. تحية خاصة إلى الهيئة الإدارية. #عمان رايدرز أخوة ، محبة و تعاون . اخوكم عبدالله المحواشي من تونس #وتتواصل الاثارة

Image Abdullah-Al-Mahawashi

في مثل هذا اليوم انضممت لنادي عمان رايدرز سنة انتمي لأسرة نادي عمان رايدرز منذ ست سنوات

اكتسبت من خلالها العلاقات الاخوية والخبرة في التعامل مع الدراجة واحترام قوانين القيادة، زرت برفقتهم كل المناطق السياحية في السلطنة الحبيبة من شمالها إلى جنوبها.

Image Ramy Saidam

اردني مقيم في سلطنة عمان منذ عام 2010.

كان عندي شغف لتعلم قيادة الدراجة من عشر سنوات.

وبعد البحث عن مدارس تعليم قيادة الدراجات النارية في السلطنة.

علمت ان هناك مدرسة لتعليم قيادة الدراجات النارية تابعة لنادي عُمان رايدرز.

حصلت على التدريب على ايدي اشخاص مدربين ولهم خبرة طويلة في مجال تعليم وقيادة الدراجات النارية.

ومن ثم التحقت بنادي عُمان رايدرز لما حظيت به من حفاوة وترحيب من اعضاء النادي ولتطوير مهارات قيادة الدراجة النارية ومشاركة الفريق بالرحلات المحلية والدولية.

واستكشاف المناطق السياحية في سلطنة عُمان الحبيبة والترويج عن السلطنة سياحيا.

وخلال هذه الفترة كونت صداقات واصبحنا بمثابة الاخوة مع زملاء من نادي عُمان رايدرز واندية اخرى من داخل السلطنة وخارجها من كافة الجنسيات ومختلف الدول.

تجربتي مع نادي عُمان رايدرز تجربة رائعة وفريدة من نوعها وانصح كل شخص لديه حب وشغف لتعلم قيادة الدراجة النارية واستكشاف سلطنة عُمان والدول الاخري على متن الدراجة النارية بالانضمام الى نادي عُمان رايدرز.

Image Talal Doghmush

My name is Mohammed Sajid , From India the state called Kerala.. it was very good experience with Oman Riders……Tuesday's gather was the best….and gottu know different people from various backgrounds…. Oman roads gave wonderful opportunity to explore beauty of Oman…..and one of the largest Bikers in Oman.

Image Mohamed Sajid

“Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside.”― Valentino Rossi